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15분간의 긴장감, 퍼펙트 타겟 (2019) 평온한 지부티의 한 마을. 아들은 스쿨버스를 타고 학교로 향하고 선생님은 학교에 도착하여 아이들을 맞이할 준비를 한다. 하지만 스쿨버스는 소말리아 테러범들에게 탈취당하고 버스기사 1명과 21명의 아이들을 태운 스쿨버스는 소말리아로 향한다. 하지만 지부티 국경수비대에게 막히게 되고 소말리아가 멀지 않은 곳에서 버스가 멈추게 된다. 소밀라이 납치범들은 프랑스군이 지부티에서 철수할 것 (식민지배 끝내기), 수용소에 있는 정치범들을 석방해줄 것을 요청하며 아이 21명을 인질로 잡는다. 프랑스에서는 문제해결을 위해 특수부대를 파견하게 되고, 지부티의 국경수비대와 특수부대는 이 상황을 잘 협조하여 해결해야 하는 상황에 놓인다. 특수부대의 대장 제르발은 주변을 정탐한 뒤, 적들의 상황상 한번에 모든 적들을 저격하는 .. 2020. 10. 25.
Don't run after hit, Hit-and-run squad (2019) Do you like driving ? Have you ever heard hit and run squad ? we have had many cases that people make accident and just run away so we have a specific team which investigate only this kinds of cases only in Korean police. I didn't know hot they work so it was really interesting topic for movie, although it's not watched by many foreigners. Siyeon is the elite police who is working under Ms.Yoon'.. 2020. 10. 16.
Brain battel the Go, The divine move (2014) Do you know the Baduk (the game of Go) ? You may know the interesting game that Google deepmind challenge match. 18-time word champion Lee Sedol played go with a computer called as AlphGo. this match was big issue in the worldwide. The go is the main topic of this movie and you should know we really have this kind of places but not with criminal issues. Tae-seok is professional Go player and he .. 2020. 10. 10.
Sad family movie, Miracle in Cell no.7 (2013) This movie has base of real story. There is a person who got false charge and got 15 year sentense in prison. As many people were angry for this case, many people have watched this movie in Korea. This movie was sold to Turkey and Phillipine and they re-make it in 2019. Korean direct title is Gift in Cell No.7. I think it's more make sense. Ye-seung is the trainee to be a lawyer. She has to do t.. 2020. 10. 7.